Poster presentato nel corso della IAEG Conference 2014 che si è tenuta a Torino nel settembre 2014.Il poster illustra i contenuti del paper pubblicato nei conference proceedings.
The web 2.0 revolution is a twofold reality: technological and cultural. The widespread of web 2.0 technologies is changing Disaster Resilience. Information in science communication is the ability and the capacity to transfer scientific knowledge to enable the understanding of communication content. Particularly a clear and correct information on hazards and emergency matters is crucial, either for practitioners and population, to cope with disaster and to allow collaboration, and to take the best decision. Hence, web 2.0, allowing a better information sharing and widespread, could represent a leverage to foster an Information Preparedness approach, so to better cope with disasters. However a Web Information Preparedness in Disaster Resilience requires an overall strategy that can have an impact both on the cultural side (knowledge sharing and collaboration) and on the organizational one. How civil protection bodies can benefit of this global changes to better inform citizens? How to implement and manage a new Resilient Information Preparedness approach enabled by web technologies?